KINOKI flasteri za detoksikaciju – biljni ekstrati pak-10kom

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KINOKI flasteri za detoksikaciju – biljni ekstrati pak-10kom KINOKI flasteri za detoksikaciju – biljni ekstrati pak-10komFunkcija flastera je IZBACIVANJE i sprečavanja nakupljanja TOKSINA u telu – organizmu, uklanjanje umora i bolji san. U kutiji je 10 flasteraKORISTI SE : Jedan flaster za 1 ( JEDNU NOĆ ) ,   Ujutro skinete flaster i odložite u otpad jer […]

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KINOKI flasteri za detoksikaciju – biljni ekstrati pak-10kom

KINOKI flasteri za detoksikaciju – biljni ekstrati pak-10komFunkcija flastera je IZBACIVANJE i sprečavanja nakupljanja TOKSINA u telu – organizmu, uklanjanje umora i bolji san.
U kutiji je 10 flastera
KORISTI SE : Jedan flaster za 1 ( JEDNU NOĆ ) ,   Ujutro skinete flaster i odložite u otpad jer   je FLASTER  tada  Crne boje – pokupio je toksine iz organizma 
Sastojci: Bambusovo sirće, hitosan, dekstrin, dokudami, list lokvita, turmalin, biljna vlakna, vitamin C i sirće od drveta. Jastučići su pojedinačno umotani da sačuvaju svežinu. Sada smo svuda podvrgnuti toksinima. Simptomi toksičnog preopterećenja uključuju umor, glavobolje, lošu cirkulaciju, hronični bol, slab imunološki sistem, zatvor, artritis, depresiju i kožne bolesti itd. Kinoki Detok ulošci za noge su najnovija terapija detoksikacije. Pomaže u sprečavanju nakupljanja toksina u telu, na taj način znatno smanjujući šanse za bolesti, bolesti i uklanjajući štetne telesne toksine.
  OPUŠTAJU MIŠIĆE, Otklanjaju ukočenost vrata, ramena, struka, leđa i
About the Product Kinoki Foot patches As Seen On TV! Assist in natural cleansing. Promote vibrant health and wellness Capture toxins eliminated by the body Description: Brand New Detox Foot Pads and adhesives 1 box includes: 10 PC pads Any detox pads containing bamboo or tree Extracts are KINOKI pads, since KINOKI in Japanese means „bamboo or tree sap“. Foot pads are sent outside of box to avoid shipping damage
Ingredients: Bamboo vinegar, chitosan, dextrin, dokudami, loquat leaf, tourmaline, vegetable fiber, Vitamin C and wood vinegar. The Pads are individually wrapped to preserve freshness. We are now subjected to toxins everywhere. Symptoms of toxic overload include fatigue, headaches, poor circulation, chronic pain, weak immune system, constipation, arthritis, depression and skin disease etc. Kinoki Detox Foot Pads are the newest detoxification therapy. It helps to prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body, thus substantially reducing the chances of illness, disease and removing harmful body toxins. How do the foot pads work ? For hundreds of years, eastern medicine understood toxins traveled downwards in the body accumulating in the tips of our toes and ankles. They also understood that toxin accumulation lead to many degenerative diseases. For example, painful rheumatism and arthritis were caused by acidic toxic fluids gathering around the joints. In foot reflexology, the feet are considered channels to many vital organs, with over 60 acupuncture points on the soles of our feet. The foot pads contain natural ingredients which stimulate these acupuncture points through the combined action of wood/bamboo vinegar, far-infrared energy and negative ion emissions. This stimulation results in the breakdown of water and waste molecules that free blockages in the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Cleansing naturally begins in the soles of our feet. The primary effect of the Kinoki Detox Foot Pads is detoxification. The patches will absorb your toxins after using for whole night.  You can see that from the changing of the color after using it. The more dirty  you see the foot pad, the more toxins it has absorbed. After consistently using for a period, they will become cleaner each morning. That means most of the toxins in your body have been released already. Apart from your feet, you can also apply these detox foot pads onto other part of your body, including back, knees, elbows etc. Benefits of the Detox Foot Pads: Release unwanted toxins Increase your energy level Reduce aches, pains, headaches, &tiredness Relieve stress Improve your metabolism Improve your blood circulation Improve weight loss Totally discreet – Works while you sleep Simple and Easy to use Directions for use : 1. Apply Kinoki detox patch one hour before bed-time. 2. Wash and dry your feet or body part before applying kinoki Detox Patch. 3. Take one adhesive sheet and slowly peel off paper. 4. Place the foot pad on the adhesive where noted to „Put adhesive sheet on this side“ and place onto the soles of your feet or the desired area of other body part. (Socks can be worn if necessary) 5. Wear for 8-10 hours then remove pad. 6. Wipe surface with wet towel until it’s no longer sticky. 7. Used patches will appear dark greenish or grayish as they absorb toxins and waste matter from your body. 8. Continue to use each night until the discoloration of the pad subsides. 9. When used kinoki patches show signs of lightening, apply once or twice a week for maintenance.  

KINOKI flasteri za detoksikaciju – biljni ekstrati pak-10kom

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